This is the home of the SK5 rethemed Kik mods BASE and Purple. Use the menu at the top to navigate the site. Each mod has it’s own page where you will find information about the mod and details on how to use it. To the left (or below on mobile) are links to chat overlay images on Flickr and also directories where you will find all the various files available for download.
SK5 Base
Base is a quasy steampunk theme for SK5. Coloring includes red, green, blacks and brushed gold and brass elements.
SK5 Purple
Purple is a major theme make over that is steeped in shades of purple. It also makes use of red and black throughout the theme.
Updates and Other Stuff
Updates, how-to’s and other items of interest will be included on this site as things develop. If you would like to add your own Flickr feed for SK5 Chat Overlays, let us know in the Kik support group listed below or on our contact page.
The Flickr images in the sidebar (scroll down on mobile) are chat overlays that can be used in BASE and Purple. Explore what is there, and you can even add your own overlays to this site if you have a Flickr account.
IMPORTANT FLICKR Hint: While on a mobile device you must switch to desktop mode for the image download button to be displayed on the Flickr page. Also, only download the ORIGINAL size image. The other sizes will not work as overlays.
Join our support group on Kik to get help.
Search for group: #Trikik_
Or use the link below to join the above group: